Substance Abuse Evaluations in Anne Arundel County

Substance abuse evaluations in Anne Arundel County can be used to determine if you have an addiction or dependency on drugs or alcohol. A judge may order an evaluation, or you can get screened of your own volition. A seasoned DUI lawyer could use the results of an evaluation on your behalf as part of the defense strategy. Having information about a potential addiction problem might also help you seek treatment and ultimately recovery.

Administration of Substance Abuse Evaluations

A person might obtain a substance abuse evaluation in Anne Arundel County independently through a private agency or third party. If an individual does not organize the screening themselves, the court has its own assessors to administer it. Assessments are protected by HIPAA (and therefore private), but they will be released to the court to allow evaluation and appropriate action.

Why are Substance Abuse Evaluations  Performed?

Whenever there is a substance-related offense, whether it is a DUI, drug crime, or an addict stealing to support their habit, judges often assess cases appropriately for the defendant’s situation. The assessments and the treatments are not necessarily intended as a punishment, though some individuals may see it that way. Treatments are designed to help someone address a problem and prevent repeat offenses.

If someone has a pattern of substance abuse, the courts generally will take a more proactive approach, tailoring their probation and supervision conditions to focus on the treatment of their addiction and preventing further abuse. Some people are at a higher risk of continuing their abuse and may receive a different treatment from a judge.

Elements of a Substance Abuse Evaluation

To evaluate a person for substance abuse, an assessor will use diagnostic tools such as the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST). MAST is a tool used to assess alcohol use and abuse through a series of questions about someone’s history and how likely are to re-offend or have a problem. The higher the score, the more aggressive treatment and response a person should implement. Such tools are used by medical professionals in making recommendations of what a person should do to address court concerns and avoid future offenses.

An assessor typically should be licensed if they evaluate a person for substance abuse and anybody can request a substance-abuse evaluation from one of these professionals. Assessments made are generally honored in every Maryland county to ensure that appropriate treatment can be received.

Call an Anne Arundel County Lawyer About Substance Abuse Evaluations

If you or a judge believes that you may have a substance abuse problem, a screening may be able to guide you to an answer. Substance abuse evaluations in Anne Arundel County can be used to determine whether or not there is an addiction issue that may factor into sentencing for any kind of substance-related charge. An experienced attorney may be able to help you arrange a voluntary evaluation with a third party and determine how the results might fit into a defense strategy. Call today for a free consultation and more information.