College Park Criminal Lawyer
From charges as serious as homicide to those as relatively minor as writing bad checks, our College Park criminal lawyers are able to ensure their clients get the best results possible no matter what the charge. When you are the one accused of a crime, having someone like this in your corner can make all the difference in the world. An aggressive advocate determined to help minimize the effects of your case on your life, your criminal attorney can be your biggest ally.
College Park Criminal Laws and Penalties
The laws of Maryland are strict and are designed to severely penalize those people convicted of crimes. While a consultation is crucial to knowing the type of penalty you face, a misdemeanor generally won’t carry more than a maximum one (1) year sentence, while a felony has the possibility of carrying decades in prison. A College Park criminal lawyer may have experience defending clients against misdemeanors and felonies alike, including charges of:
- Assault
- Domestic Violence
- Drug offenses
- Theft
- Fraud
- Driving on a suspended license
- Traffic
- Homicide
- Bad Checks
- Stalking
- Failure to Appear
- And more…
Experienced College Park Criminal Lawyers Can Help
Criminal charges can change the direction of your life, not only by taking away your freedom, but also by forcing you to deal with a criminal record indefinitely. Our attorneys can help minimize the effects of your charges. They work towards the positive resolution of your case whenever possible. While the outcome will depend on the exact charges against you, among other things, your attorney could help you negotiate a favorable plea agreement to avoid jail time or even assist you in getting the charges dismissed. No two cases are alike, and each case deserves a custom-tailored defense strategy.
Discussing Your Case With a Criminal Lawyer in College Park
If you’ve been charged with a crime in College Park, your case will likely be heard in the Prince George’s County District Court on Rhode Island Avenue in Hyattsville. On the day you go before the judge, you will want someone on your side. By discussing your case with a College Park criminal lawyer, you can be prepared for court and what may happen as a result.