Allegany County Criminal Lawyer
Serious criminal cases require serious representation from experienced criminal lawyers. Not all attorneys possess the talent and skill to successfully defend a client in criminal court, despite it being well established that the talent and skill of the defense counsel has a direct and serious impact on the outcome of the case. When searching for a criminal attorney, it is never in a person’s best interest to accept the most inexpensive attorney nor the friend of a friend that does not practice criminal law. If you have been charged with a criminal offense, contact and interview an experienced criminal attorney to begin reviewing the facts of your case. An Allegany County criminal lawyer can determine the best fit for you, based on your case needs.
Classifying Burglary Charges
In Maryland, entering a home or a structure without permission from the owner to enter, with intent to commit a crime constitutes burglary. Burglary in the first degree is entering another’s home with the intent to commit theft or cause violence. If convicted, the penalty for first-degree burglary is up to 25 years’ imprisonment. Second-degree burglary is entering another person’s storehouse, without authorization, with intent to steal, commit an act of violence, or commit arson. It is punishable with imprisonment for up to 15 years.
If the accused intended to take a firearm when entering, the penalty is enhanced and is punishable with 20 years of imprisonment and/or fines up to $10,000. Entering another’s home without permission, with the intent to commit any crime that would otherwise not rise to first or second-degree burglary constitutes burglary in the third degree. It is punishable by a prison term up to 10 years.
Burglary in the fourth degree includes possessing burglary tools with intent to use them to burglarize a dwelling and breaking into a dwelling with no intent to commit a crime. Allegany County criminal lawyers have seen, among other offenses, that fourth-degree burglary is punishable by up to three years’ incarceration.
Robbery as a Felony
Robbery is defined as taking property or services from another person through the use of force or by threatening force, with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property or services that were taken. Robbery is a serious felony offense that alone could result in a sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment.
The penalty increases to up to 20 year’s imprisonment when a weapon is used or there is a threat to use a weapon. Additionally, in Maryland, an unsuccessful robbery attempt has the same consequences as robbery, and the defense should also be handled by an experienced Allegany County criminal lawyer.
Treatment of an Assault Offense
Intentionally causing serious harm to another person or attempting to do so constitutes first-degree assault in Maryland. Serious harm includes injuries that put the victim at risk for death or a permanent injury. First-degree assault is penalized with up to 25 years’ imprisonment. Attempting to, actually engaging in, or threatening to engage in unwelcome and offensive physical contact with someone rises to assault in the second degree.
Although second-degree assault is a misdemeanor offense, in Maryland, it is punishable with imprisonment for 10 years and/or fines up to $2,500. The penalty for assault is enhanced if the victim is a police officer or another peacekeeping officer. If you have been charged with a criminal offense, contact an Allegany County criminal lawyer who has the experience to examine your case holistically before creating a defense strategy.