Wicomico County Criminal Lawyer
Finding oneself entangled in the justice system can happen easily and sometimes at no fault of the unfortunate individual. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, confronting overly aggressive police officers, or getting stuck in a case of mistaken identity can result in needing an attorney for legal representation.
When facing charges in Wicomico County, it is imperative to acquire an experienced Wicomico County criminal lawyer that will treat the case seriously.
Local Court House Details
One of the repercussions of a charge, even as a vacationer, is being required to return to the jurisdiction in which the charge occurred to report for hearings as scheduled. Wicomico County District Court and Wicomico County Circuit Court, which are the courts that hear criminal matters, are both located in Salisbury, Maryland.
District court is the corresponding court for traffic violations and misdemeanor offenses that are punishable by less than one year in jail and/or up to $2,500 in fines. Possession of small amounts of marijuana, driving while impaired, theft of less than $1,000, and/or reckless driving are commonly heard in district court.
If the offense is classified as a felony, it is important to consult with a criminal lawyer in Wicomico County as the case will be heard in circuit court. Drug possession with intent to sell, burglary, and robbery are all common cases that are disposed of in circuit court. All cases that are tried by a jury are also held in circuit court.
Legal Advocacy
Wicomico County is a vacation destination located on the eastern shore of Maryland, which means that being charged with a criminal offense in the area can also mean approaching a foreign process in an unfamiliar place. A local criminal lawyer provides invaluable guidance through the process for clients who are working to protect their rights and freedom in a jurisdiction they might otherwise not know how to navigate.
A skilled Wicomico County criminal attorney will be knowledgeable of local customs that may be relevant in adjudicating a case. Having a working knowledge of, and relationships with the prosecutors, judges, and both parties’ general disposition is an asset that could have a favorable impact on the outcome of the case. It is also important to obtain an experienced defense attorney that has successfully handled cases similar to the one at hand in order to avoid unnecessary errors in the handling of the case.
In some cases, once representation has been secured, they may be able to appear on behalf of the client, circumventing the necessity of the client’s presence. Unless and until a lawyer has made the defendant aware that they are not required to appear, though, it is important for the client to make themselves available for all subsequent hearings. Failing to do so could result in an arrest warrant being issued, which could be served in the client’s home state.
Consult with an Attorney
If an individual has been charged with a state or federal offense in Wicomico County, one should not wait to contact an experienced criminal lawyer in Wicomico County that can be entrusted with their case. Call today so that an attorney can provide an evaluation of the facts within the case and begin developing a strong defense.