Wicomico County Assault Lawyer
Being charged with assault in Wicomico County can be an overwhelming experience. You might have questions about the charges or wonder how best to fight them. A Wicomico County assault lawyer could answer any questions you have and discuss the different legal options available to you.
You do not have to face assault charges on your own. Whether you have been charged with assault in the first or second degree, a skilled defense attorney in Wicomico County could assist you with your case.
Assault Offenses
Assault is a criminal offense in Wicomico County and is defined as intentionally causing or attempting to cause a harmful or offensive, unconsented-to contact to another person. The legal definition of assault in Wicomico also includes battery, as well as assault and battery.
The law distinguishes between assault in the first and second degrees and specifies different legal penalties upon conviction for each. An assault lawyer in Wicomico County could explain which types of assault-related offenses could be charged in either the first or second degree.
Assault in the First Degree
First-degree assault is the most severe type of assault in Wicomico County. Assault in the first degree is a felony offense and involves causing or attempting to cause serious physical injury to someone. The law defines ‘serious physical injury’ as any injury that poses a major risk of death or causes serious impairment or disfigurement.
First-degree assault also includes committing or attempting to commit assault with a firearm or other dangerous or deadly weapon. The offense is still considered assault in the first degree even if the firearm is not fired. Using a firearm to threaten or strike another person could constitute assault in the first degree under the law. A Wicomico County assault attorney could answer questions about different types of offenses that could be charged as first-degree assault.
Assault in the Second Degree
Assault in the second degree is a lesser charge than assault in the first degree but is still a serious criminal charge nonetheless. A primary difference between the two charges is that second-degree assault does not necessarily involve inflicting or attempting to inflict serious bodily injury on another person. Causing or attempting to cause an injury that is not life-threatening on another person constitutes assault in the second degree rather than the first.
Penalties for an Assault Conviction
There are different penalties for assault in the first and second degrees. The legal penalty upon conviction for assault in the first degree is a term of imprisonment for up to 25 years.
The legal penalty upon conviction for assault in the second degree is a term of imprisonment of up to ten years and a possible $2,500 fine. If the second-degree assault offense was committed against a police officer or any type of first responder during the course of their duties, the term of imprisonment remains the same with a possible fine of $5,000 and is deemed a felony.
A diligent lawyer in Wicomico County could answer questions regarding the possible legal penalties for convictions of specific types of assault offenses.
Contact a Wicomico County Assault Attorney Today
There is no reason to face charges of assault alone. A Wicomico County assault lawyer could assist you with your case in several ways, from answering questions to providing legal representation.
An attorney could help you navigate the legal system while also protecting your constitutional rights. Contact a Wicomico County assault attorney today for assistance with your case.