Frederick Student Defense Lawyer

Maryland is home to many prestigious colleges, universities and high schools. Unfortunately, many students may be charged with criminal behavior that could put their academic careers and their future livelihoods in jeopardy. A conviction for even a minor crime would likely have dire long-term consequences for a young person.

If you or your child is facing criminal charges as a student, consider contacting a Frederick student defense lawyer. Help from a skilled criminal defense attorney with experience in these legal matters could help minimize the impact these charges have on a young person’s future. Effective representation of a criminally charged student requires knowledge of the criminal justice system, school disciplinary procedures, and the unique challenges faced by today’s student population.

Common Student Charges

While a student may be charged with just about any type of criminal offense, a Frederick student defense attorney typically handles cases involving:

Property Theft

Property theft violates both criminal statute and student codes of conduct, and high school and college campuses are rife with opportunities for theft to occur. Laptop computers, bicycles, cell phones, and other forms of personal property are stolen quite often.


Today’s students inhabit a world where many of their interpersonal interactions take place online, specifically social media. Sadly, the ease of communication facilitated by social media platforms also gives rise to online harassment (often called cyber-bullying), which is a criminal offense.

Honor Code Violations

While not a criminal offense, cheating, plagiarism or similar types of academic misconduct could have equally dire consequences. Students could find themselves facing suspension or expulsion from an academic institution. Fortunately, a Frederick student defense lawyer may help a young adult fight an honor code violation charge by navigating the school’s internal disciplinary system.

Underage Drinking & Drug Abuse

College students are well known for experimenting with alcohol while underage and even using illegal drugs. The consequences of such offenses range from simple conduct violations to full adult criminal charges that could lead to incarceration.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is, unfortunately, a common tragedy on college campuses across the nation. Facing an assault charge is a serious matter that necessities high-caliber criminal defense representation.

Consequences of Criminal Charges

A criminal conviction while in school has consequences that go well beyond state-imposed criminal penalties. In addition to jail time and huge fines, a student convicted of a crime may potentially have to face:

  • Mandatory drug or behavioral counseling
  • Academic probation
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Difficulty obtaining future student loans
  • Community service requirements
  • Removal from college or university housing

A Frederick student defense attorney with experience in these matters could help prevent a criminal conviction or student sanctions. A good student defense lawyer could craft a defense strategy that not only addresses the immediate criminal charges but also protects their client’s future educational and career opportunities.

How a Frederick Student Defense Attorney Might be Able to Help

Your years as a young student are some of the most exhilarating and critical periods in your life. The last thing you need is a criminal charge of student conduct violation that affects your future. A Frederick student defense lawyer could investigate your legal options and represent you in court or a conduct hearing. Reach out to an attorney today.