Maryland Kidnapping Attorney
Being accused of kidnapping is a serious matter. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be subject to up to 30 years in prison for a felony kidnapping conviction. If you have been arrested for kidnapping, seeking legal counsel from an experienced Maryland kidnapping lawyer can help clarify your situation. Your criminal defense attorney can help you understand the charge against you and can thoroughly evaluate your case to determine the strongest defense options available.
Benefits of Retaining a Maryland Kidnapping Lawyer
Kidnapping is a serious felony charge, and it can be accompanied by other serious charges. When you are being charged or investigated for this type of offense, it can be an invaluable asset to have an experienced Maryland kidnapping lawyer represent you. An attorney with experienced handling serious felonies in Maryland Circuit Court can help explain the process to you, and how you should prepare your case. Schedule a free consultation with a Maryland kidnapping lawyer today.
Kidnapping in Maryland
Maryland kidnapping laws are outlined under Title 3 of the Maryland statutes. These laws clearly define kidnapping and child kidnapping.
- Kidnapping – Maryland Code Section 3-502: It is illegal to take or conceal a person anywhere against their will, whether the abduction occurs by force or by fraud. Kidnapping is a felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
- Child Kidnapping – Maryland Law Section 3-503: It is illegal to take a child or minor under the age of 16 away from his or her home and the custody of his or her legal guardian, whether through force, fraud, or enticement. It is furthermore illegal for anyone to knowingly harbor a child who has been abducted. Child kidnapping is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Federal Kidnapping Charges
Kidnapping is not only a Maryland state offense, it may also be prosecuted as a Federal offense if the alleged victim was transported across state lines. If you have been accused of kidnapping, you need swift and skilled defense from a lawyer. Your kidnapping defense attorney can work diligently to uncover evidence to support your case, to negotiate reduced charges, and to provide you with the optimal outcome against the charges you face.
False kidnapping charges may stem from child custody disputes, misunderstandings, or other disagreements in which an alleged victim goes willingly with the accused, but later changes his or her story. Your Maryland kidnapping lawyer can scrutinize all details of the case, including all witness statements. Contact us today to see how our team of Maryland kidnapping attorneys can go to work to aid your defense.