Prince George’s County Domestic Violence Investigations
In Prince George’s County domestic violence investigations, the key witness is the actual victim that was injured or threatened. They will interview the individual and the eyewitnesses and obtain medical records. A lot of times, phone messages, texts, calls, and voicemails are very informative as well as any other social media or communications that can convince them to what may have happened. If you would like more information about what happens before or after a family violence arrest, contact a skilled domestic violence attorney.
Unique Factors of Family Violence Cases
What differentiates Prince George’s County domestic violence investigations from others is that they typically involve an injured victim. In other investigations sometimes there is a victim and sometimes there is not, and many of those are just a victim that lost money or lost property. In domestic cases, there is often a concern of whether there has been a prior history of violence and to make sure there are no subsequent future incidents of domestic violence.
Determination of the Primary Aggressor
Oftentimes, it is not the police officer who determines the primary aggressor following Prince George’s County domestic violence investigations. That determination is up to the prosecutor should they decide to prosecute the case. The officers can make basic observations if they go to the scene of a call where one person is on the ground, injured, and bloody and the other one is standing and saying they are the ones that were attacked. It is unlikely that the police officers will give them much weight. They typically should get both sides, press charges accordingly, and let the prosecutor be the one to decide whether or not one side is more meritorious over the other.
Treatment of Those Accused of Domestic Assault
They are treated that way because of the incendiary nature of the allegations. There is no emotional aspect to someone caught with drug possession or against DUI. When there is a victim, there is always a sense to protect the victim, protect the person that has been injured, and assume the person who committed the act is someone dangerous. There is a social stigma attached to it. Even if there is presumption of innocence, very frequently those charged with these allegations suffer far more hardship and difficulty on the outside before ever stepping foot in the courtroom.
Benefit of an Assistance from an Attorney
Within a Prince George’s County domestic violence investigations, the accused has the right to retain the presumption of innocence, the right to an experienced family violence attorney, and to remain silent. When prosecutors and law enforcement officers are investigating a case for domestic violence, they are not looking for evidence to exonerate someone. They are looking for evidence against and to prosecute a defendant.
An attorney will be the one that opposes the investigation, opposes the prosecutor and officers, builds defenses, and creates protection and a safety net for the individual who will otherwise inadvertently face something that could be misinterpreted or not take the right remedial steps to create a solid defense.