Types of Gun Charges in Maryland
It is very important that gun owners within the state of Maryland understand the repercussions of a weapons charge and its relation to the possession of a firearm. Many individuals who find themselves facing these types of charge are in that situation because they are unaware of Maryland’s stringent views on weapons. It is always a good idea for someone facing a weapons charge to contact an experienced gun lawyer who has a background in trying cases similar to their own. Being on the receiving end of any kind of criminal charge can be a frightening experience, and individuals who must face this reality should always choose to employ the help of an attorney who understands Maryland laws.
Laws and Regulations
Firearms are typically at the center of all weapons charges, and it is crucial that individuals who own one know how to avoid unwanted run-ins with law enforcement in relation to their firearm. It is also very important that they understand the fact that Maryland has very strict rules regarding firearms. Certain firearms are considered more dangerous than others, and with that carry additional charges.
A handgun, which is one of the most well-known firearms in circulation amongst gun owners, in and of itself carries additional weapons charges because of its nature, but anything that is capable of projecting by way of an explosive reaction or a projectile is considered a gun.
An individual who has lost the right to own a firearm is susceptible to a hefty set of charges if law enforcement discovers that they are illegally in possession of a weapon. It is illegal for someone to possess a firearm if they have:
- Been convicted of a crime of violence.
- A prior felony record.
- In the past been involuntarily admitted into a mental institution.
If an individual falls within any of the above categories and it is discovered by law enforcement that they are in possession of a weapon, they will be charged and prosecuted.
Common Types of Offenses
Handguns are the type of weapons that are most frequently seen when discussing weapons charges, and they are also the most heavily prosecuted. A major reason for this is because they are so easy to conceal and they are so frequently used when committing crimes. When violent crimes are committed, those are the types of weapons that are most frequently utilized. Most crimes that involve the use of a weapon are done with the use of a handgun. It is because of this that weapons charges involving a handgun are prosecuted the most significantly.
Improper transport is also a weapons charge that occurs quite frequently because owners of a firearm don’t always understand how to properly secure their weapon in their car. Individuals have the same issue when it comes to storing weapons properly in their home. Charges can and will be brought against the owner of a firearm if law enforcement discovers that they have not properly secured their weapon in their home and a child is present. This is the case even if otherwise the individual hasn’t done anything wrong.
Accompanying Crimes
Very frequently, individuals are charged with accompanying crimes. If somebody is committing an armed robbery of some sort, there would be armed robbery, there would be theft, there would be first-degree assault, there would be second-degree assault, and then there would be a weapon charge whether it be a gun, knife, etc. Often times, if the weapon itself is being used, it is being used to commit a crime or as a part of the crime itself. If and when this is the case, then there will always be accompanying charges.