DUI Group Therapy Options in Prince George’s County
DUI Group Therapy Options in Prince George’s County are typically a higher-level approach to a DUI. On a remedial first offense with a low alcohol read and not many problems, there is the social drinker’s program, which is about a 12-hour program. If somebody has a higher read, a subsequent offense, or there was an accident involved, there could be a group therapy component in addition to the standard class that everyone takes part in, but that is not something that is done on one’s own. It is only pursuant to an assessment where someone is deemed to meet a higher level type of approach. If an individual has been ordered to participate in DUI group therapy and they want to know more about their options, they should seek the services of a knowledgeable DUI lawyer that could answer their questions.
DUI Group Discussion Topics
Some of the DUI group discussion topics include dealing with the basic fundamentals of how alcohol affects a person, what to do and what not to do, what to look for, and how to avoid the pitfalls of drinking. DUI group discussion topics are comprehensive and can open up the floor for discussion. Often times it deals with other problems as opposed to just the basic absorption of alcohol on the body, like types of environments, better decision-making processes, and how to better plan if there is going to be drinking if a person is not going to obtain completely. Those all come into play as part of this process. That is just touching upon a few points. There is a lot more involved and covered in 26 hours.
Victim Impact Panels as a Group Therapy Option
One of the DUI group therapy options in Prince George’s County is a victim impact panel. The victim impact panel is called a MADD Impact Panel or Mothers Against Drunk Driving. It is a two-hour seminar that almost every judge orders someone to go through. When a person does not go for two hours, they generally have to pay a 50 fee at their expense. For two hours, they hear stories of people who have suffered from drunk drivers, whether it is the victims of accidents, parents of lost children, or occasionally the drivers and what effects it has had on them and how it has destroyed their lives. Victim impact panels are ways of showing how alcohol could impact someone and how driving under the influence, could have real consequences that extend beyond the driver. It is called an impact panel because it is supposed to impact a person by hearing real-life stories or tragedies that happen.
Who Organizes These Programs?
Mothers Against Drunk Driving are the ones that organize and run victim impact panels. They usually have them once or twice a month, and they give someone a day to do it. Typically, a person is not able to do it on their own. They only accept people who have court orders. A judge must give the person permission or order them to go. If they go with a signed instruction and date, they sign you in. While other states have a lot of people in advance, Maryland and Prince George’s County do not.
The state typically is not involved in running or mandating that individuals do these programs. It is something the judge orders and a person must do while they are on probation. These programs would typically last two hours. It is a one-time thing for two hours. Usually, victim impact panels are in the evenings throughout the week.
Value of a Prince George’s County DUI Attorney
DUI Group therapy options in Prince George’s County can be an opportunity for individuals to mitigate the severity of the penalties that they face, while also acquiring useful knowledge that could help them moving forward. If you are now facing mandatory group therapy, it is important to reach out to a qualified DUI lawyer. A capable DUI attorney could devote the time and resources necessary to achieve a positive outcome for you.