Howard County District Court
Howard County only has one District Court. It is located on Court House Drive which is right off of Rogers Avenue near Route 40. This is basically where Route 40 hits Route 29. The court opens at 8:30 a.m. in the morning and it closes at 4:30 p.m. in the afternoon.
The Day of a Court Appearance
A person should arrive approximately thirty minutes prior to their court appearance. If a person is scheduled to appear at 9:00 a.m. in the morning then they should arrive around 8:30 a.m. If a person were to arrive much earlier, it would not make a lot of sense because usually the court will not even open until 8:30 a.m. A person’s Howard County criminal defense lawyer will also probably inform them where they will meet and if the person needs to bring anything. A person should make sure to take all necessary steps to arrive on time at their court appearance.
If a person arrives to the district court excessively early then they may want to have breakfast or lunch prior to their appearance. The Howard County District Court is located on Route 40 where there are a lot of restaurants. There are also several Dunkin’ Donuts located within a mile to the courthouse. There are also a few diners if a person is interested in a sit down meal. For those who may be celebrating after their court appearance, there are fine dining options and a lot of different foods located within a couple of miles of the courthouse.
Proper Court Attire
When a person has to appear in court they should come dressed like a lawyer. More specifically, they should come to court wearing a suit and a tie if they are male, or a nice professional dress or pantsuit if they are female. When you are standing with your attorney in front a judge, the judge should not be able to tell by looking which one of you is the attorney. What a person wears to court will end up creating a judge’s first impression, thus it is important not to get off on the wrong foot by dressing inappropriately.
Parking at the District Court
A person does not need to worry about parking if they have to appear at the Howard County District Court. There is plenty of free parking available at the courthouse and there is usually not a problem finding spaces. Howard County is one of the easier district locations to find parking.
Electronic Equipment
A person is allowed to bring their cell phones or electronic devices to courthouses and courtrooms in Howard County. However, the devices need to be set on silent and cannot go off in court. If they ring or disturb the proceeding in any way, the bailiffs will confiscate them and a person will not be able to receive them until the end of the day. As long as a person’s device is turned off and silent, then there will not be an issue.
For more information about the Howard County District Court, call and speak with your attorney.