Prince George’s County Title IX Lawyer
If you are facing accusations of sexual harassment or misconduct as a student on a college or university campus, you are likely to be feeling overwhelmed and confused. No matter the circumstances involved, there may be help available to you in this difficult situation.
Contacting a Prince George’s County Title IX lawyer could be the first step toward resolving this matter with as little interruption to your education as possible.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to the Civil Rights Act prohibits all gender discrimination in schools that receive federal funding. Most colleges and universities must follow specific procedures in aggressively investigating and sanctioning students who have committed sexual misconduct in violation of student conduct codes.
An intelligent student defense attorney may represent your best defense against the potentially negative ramifications of a finding of sexual misconduct on campus.
Title IX Investigations in Prince George’s County
Each college and university must have a Title IX coordinator in place who directs the investigation and processing of all complaints concerning sexual misconduct that occurs under Title IX. This person typically is responsible for notifying individuals that others have accused them of wrongdoing and advising them of the disciplinary or conduct rules that they alleged violated. This notice also serves to acknowledge the rights of the accused students throughout any student disciplinary proceedings.
Title IX officials then investigate and collect evidence to determine whether students committed sexual misconduct. Investigators may gather and consider all evidence that they receive, no matter how unreliable or biased it may be. This is because unlike criminal court proceedings, there are no rules of evidence in Title IX proceedings.
Some typical examples of evidence may include party and witness statements, as well as text messages, emails, social media posts, and other forms of communication.
While there is no right to counsel during these proceedings, a Title IX lawyer in Prince George’s County may be able to help defend accused students against allegations of sexual misconduct.
Potential Challenges to Findings of Student Misconduct
Accused students may have various ways to challenge the findings and sanctions that school administrators impose during Title IX student disciplinary proceedings. As an example, students who decline to accept a finding of misconduct may have the option of presenting evidence in their defense through an appeals process. In other cases, students may challenge both the results and the proposed sanctions.
Some students may admit some culpability or accept the findings of misconduct, but they may argue that the sanctions are too severe in comparison with the conduct that occurred. As findings of sexual misconduct require only a preponderance of the evidence to show that the misconduct occurred, students may focus more on the potential penalties that they are facing.
Criminal Implications in Title IX Claims
Particularly when Title IX violations involve allegations of rape, sexual
In criminal cases, accused students do enjoy constitutional protections and a presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, unlike in student disciplinary proceedings. It should be noted that the consequences of a criminal conviction on a sex offense can be devastating and highly damaging to the future of young college students.
Students may find it crucial to get the advice of a Title IX attorney in Prince George’s County if they are facing criminal charges.
Call a Prince George’s County Title IX Attorney
The aftermath of a Title IX investigation, student conduct code proceedings, and criminal prosecution can be detrimental to the future of most college students. These allegations can be disruptive to their continued education, bar them from certain professions, and even cost them their freedom. Given the high stakes in these cases, students should consider the merits of contacting a Prince George’s County Title IX lawyer for advice and counsel.
All too often, miscommunications, impairment by alcohol or drugs, or actions that individuals later regret can result in horrific repercussions for students later accused of sexual misconduct. Working closely with experienced legal counsel from the outset of any such accusations can be critical to a positive outcome of your situation.