Prince George’s County Marijuana Possession Lawyer
Marijuana laws are changing rapidly, especially in Prince George’s County. If charged with possession, it is important to contact an experienced drug attorney to explain the essential changes with the new laws. If caught in possession with over 10 grams of marijuana, charges can be very serious and up to one year in prison. These charges are scary to deal with and should not be handled alone. Please contact a Prince George’s County marijuana possession attorney today if charged.
Unique Aspects of Marijuana Possession Cases
One of the different aspects of defending marijuana possession cases is usually the nature of the individual charged. There are many responsible professionals who occasionally smoke marijuana. Many times, they used marijuana when they were younger and continue to use as adults. There are individuals from all walks of life and all professions including doctors, teachers, professionals, and business owners who smoke and consume marijuana.
Very rarely does marijuana use progress to someone injecting heroin, or use of much more serious drugs. Marijuana is one of those things that crosses all socio-economic statuses and positions of life. Defending these individuals is a little bit different because the types of individuals are different. Their use of marijuana is not as incendiary or as severe a drug as many others.
As a Prince George’s County marijuana possession lawyer can attest, marijuana is treated a little differently because if caught in possession with 10 grams or less, it is not criminal. Additionally, by the middle of 2017 when the dispensaries are open, a person can purchase a quarter pound of marijuana legally once a month. The difficulty will be in regulating these things and marijuana may be treated more like alcohol in the future.
Enforcement of Marijuana Laws
Judges definitely sentence somebody a little less harshly for marijuana than they would for other drugs. Also, the potential penalty for marijuana is far less. The maximum penalty of marijuana is one year in prison if found with 10 grams or more. It does not carry that much time, so the penalty is a lot less.
The long-term implications may be that someone gets a criminal record. In Prince George’s County, when someone is convicted of possession of more than 10 grams, it carries a criminal record. It is just one of those things where someone has a criminal record because a marijuana possession charge carries a potential for incarceration and is a criminal conviction, meaning that it still requires the attention of a Prince George’s County marijuana possession attorney.
Contact a Prince George’s Marijuana Possession Lawyer
Regardless of the changing laws, the perceptions of marijuana, and the legitimacy of it as a medical drug that can be used for legitimate purposes, it still is a controlled dangerous substance. It still is illegal in certain quantities and at certain facets. Individuals should not forget that there are repercussions that come along with violating the law. A person cannot rely on a lenient judge or prosecutor to toss the case aside just because it is marijuana.
If caught with a large quantity of marijuana, charges can be drastic and have lasting effects. It is crucial to consult with an experienced Prince George’s County marijuana possession lawyer.