Howard County Theft Offenses

Howard County theft offenses are taken quite seriously and can result in a severe alteration of a person’s life. Theft refers to the taking and carrying away of the personal property of another with intent to deprive. A professional Howard County theft lawyer has the knowledge and experience you need to help you through a charge.

Charges Included in Theft

Theft has its certain derivative crimes. First of all, theft is categorized into values of the items taken. There is theft under a hundred, theft under a thousand, and theft over a thousand. Each category has the same elements, but the value is different and the penalties get more severe the higher the value.

But one also has certain derivative crimes such as the unlawful taking of a motor vehicle. That could be considered a theft if a person takes a car, but there is an added charge if there is a motor vehicle involved. If a person is stealing from an employer and it is over a course of time, there could be a theft scheme that could be regarded as embezzlement. If there is another person involved in the theft process, charges could include conspiracy. There is theft and certain derivative crimes that can arise based upon the nature of the offense in Howard County.


Another Howard County theft offense is shoplifting. There is no specific charge in Maryland that is called shoplifting – there is only theft. Shoplifting is the term used for when an individual steals from a business or establishment as opposed to stealing from a car window or stealing a phone left on a counter.

Shoplifting is theft from a retail store or establishment, and it all depends on the value—whether it is under a hundred, under a thousand, or over a thousand.

Felony Theft

Felony theft is a serious theft offense in Howard County. It is any theft of a value over $1,000. It can come with even more severe consequences. If the value is under a thousand, it is a misdemeanor.

Penalties for Felony vs. Misdemeanor Theft

A misdemeanor theft carries either 90 days in jail if it is valued at under a hundred or 18 months if it is under a thousand. The categories thereafter are $1,000-$10,000, $10,000-$100,000, and $100,000-$1,000,000, and each one of those carries more severe consequences.

For example, under $1,000 carries 18 months. $1,000-$10,000 is a felony carrying 10 years. $10,000-$100,000 is 15 years and a felony. $100,000 or more is 25 years. $1,000-$10,000 carries a $10,000 fine. $10,000-$100,000 is a $50,000 fine. Over $100,000 will lead to a $25, 000 fine. A misdemeanor theft charge can become aggravated to a felonious degree if the value is over a thousand or one adds force or threat of force to make it a robbery.

Contacting a Howard County Attorney

Upon contacting a theft lawyer, they will have a full and in-depth conversation or interview with the defendant and assess the fine, talk to all the witnesses, and obtain evidence for the case. A Howard County theft attorney will work hard on your case.

In addition, an experienced lawyer will know what can be negotiated, what can be challenged, and how to work things out. They will know the ins and outs of the courthouse and have certain relationships with prosecutors and judges to be able to reach amicable and proper resolutions. An attorney will speak on your behalf to challenge a Howard County theft offense for your liberty.