Garrett County Courthouse
If you are facing charges for traffic violations, driving under the influence, or driving while intoxicated, you will likely have to appear before a judge at the Garrett County District Court. This is separate from the MVA hearing that will decide whether or not you retain your license and driving rights. Your criminal case will be heard at the district court, unless you and your attorney are able to negotiate for a plea agreement that avoids this procedure.
In Garrett County, the district courthouse is located on 205 South Third Street in Oakland, Maryland. The hours of operation are 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M Monday through Friday, except for legal state and federal holidays. Kathleen M. Stafford is the administrative clerk for the Garrett County District Court. For more information about proceedings that happen here, please contact either the general information number at (301) 334-8020 or the toll-free number 1-800-947-1029.
For drivers coming in west from Frederick, take Interstate 70 West to Hancock. Merge onto Interstate 68 West at Hancock to Exit 14B past Cumberland. Take 219 South and continue into Oakland. For drivers coming east from the direction of Morgantown or Pittsburgh, hop on Interstate 68 East and drive to Exit 14B. Also, take 219 South and continue into Oakland. Keep left at the fork in the road and continue onto South Main Street. From both west and east, the courthouse will be just past the fourth traffic light. The large red brick building of the Garrett County District Court is hard to miss.
Parking is provided just beyond the courthouse building within a separate parking lot, but it tends to fill up quickly on busy days. It is recommended that all individuals appearing in court arrive early to find a parking space or seek out additional parking in the immediate area. Others may wish to utilize public transportation by the Garrett Transit Service (GTS). In order to schedule a ride, call (301) 334-9431 at least 24 hours in advance of the court date.
Court Etiquette
Within the courthouse, it is against court protocol to allow anyone with food, drinks, or gum into the court room. In addition, Maryland Rule 16-110 prohibits the use of any cell phones, laptop computers, cameras, or any other mobile electronic devices within the court. All devices will be inspected by the court security personnel, and may be confiscated when misused. Unless the judge expresses outright permission, mobile devices are expected to remain off and inoperable for the entire time within the courtroom. Those who violate these regulations may be found in contempt of court and subject to various sanctions.
Garrett County Lawyer
If you have been charged with a DUI or DWI offense and are facing a court case at the Garrett County District Court, it is beneficial for you to contact an experienced Garrett County attorney who understands DUI cases. DUI arrests and convictions can come with severe consequences that will have a tremendous negative impact on your life. Ensure that you have the best chance at obtaining a favorable outcome by consulting with a qualified DUI defense attorney today.