Frederick County Drug Possession Lawyer

The most common drug crime in Frederick County is drug possession. To be charged with possession, an individual only has to be found with a small amount of an illegal substance on their person or in their home or vehicle. The penalties for drug possession vary based on the nature of the drug and the accused person’s criminal history but can be severe.

If you are facing criminal drug possession charges, contact a Frederick County drug possession lawyer immediately. A qualified attorney could ensure that your rights are upheld during the litigation process and fight to mitigate the consequences of your charges.

What is Possession of an Illegal Substance?

Possession of an illegal substance involves two components, knowledge of the drug’s nature and the ability to exercise control over it. Possession can be actual or constructive.

Actual possession means that the defendant was physically controlling the drug, such as in their pocket or wallet. Constructive possession can be remote, and drugs can be found on the defendant’s property while they are not home. Knowledge of the drug is still needed to prove both forms of possession. A knowledgeable attorney in the area could assist a person accused of either form.

Types of Illegal Drugs

An individual can be charged with drug possession if they are suspected to have anything that is delineated as a controlled dangerous substance. These substances include marijuana, cocaine, LSD, heroin, designer and party drugs, and any medications not prescribed to them. The type of drug in a person’s possession and its potential for abuse will factor into the severity of the charges.

The Penalties of a Conviction

With the exception of marijuana, drug possession alone carries up to a year of incarceration in Frederick County. This is a maximum sanction that is often not imposed if it is the defendant’s first offense. The penalties can dramatically increase for subsequent offenses.

However, any conviction for drug possession is serious and can have lasting consequences. A guilty ruling can result in a criminal record, and could prevent a defendant from receiving educational, employment, or housing opportunities. They could also be seen as a high-risk candidate for loans, which could harm them financially. It can be crucial for someone accused of drug possession to engage nearby legal counsel as soon as they are charged in order to minimize the potential ramifications of this offense.

Mistakes to Avoid Following an Arrest

If an individual is arrested for possession, they should not immediately admit that the drugs are theirs. They should also not hesitate to consult an attorney, as prolonging this step can weaken their case.

It can be important to find a legal professional who could help them examine all of the facts in their case to create the best defense strategies. An attorney could analyze the details of the discovery scene, the evidence that the prosecution found, and any surveillance footage, body camera footage or dash camera footage. They could also interview any witnesses to piece together an accurate picture of the arrest. If a person does not seek a local lawyer’s help, they may not obtain the information they need to bolster their case.

How a Frederick County Drug Possession Attorney Could Aid Your Case

Drug possession charges are treated seriously in this area and can often lead to significant ramifications. A person accused of drug possession could benefit from the advice of a knowledgeable attorney who is familiar with these cases and the local court system. A skilled Frederick County drug possession lawyer could know what steps to take to achieve a desirable outcome in your case. Call today to schedule a consultation.