Salisbury Student Defense Lawyer

Young adults sometimes make poor decisions and engage in reckless behavior. Unfortunately, the consequences of these youthful mistakes can follow a young person for life if they result in criminal or internal disciplinary charges.

Legal proceedings or a school’s internal disciplinary investigation can be nerve-wracking events for both the accused student and their parents. An experienced Salisbury student defense lawyer could ease every party’s anxiety and provide an invaluable source of counsel and advice.

Do not attempt to navigate the consequences of a youthful indiscretion alone. A skilled attorney could help a young person emerge from the experience wiser and allow them to move on from their past mistakes.

Institutional Disciplinary Proceedings

Most schools have an honor code, a code of conduct, or both. Alleged violations of these codes could lead to academic probation, suspension, expulsion from the school, and even referrals to criminal prosecutors. Counseling, medical treatment, ethics education, or financial restitution are potential resolutions to some violations.

School disciplinary boards are often comprised of school administrators and students who have no specific training in legal matters. These boards take up alleged violations that have far-reaching consequences, such as:

  • Ethical violations such as cheating or plagiarism
  • Property damage or vandalism
  • Misuse of alcohol or controlled substances
  • Sale or possession of illegal drugs
  • Hate crimes
  • Hazing
  • Sexual misconduct

Despite the severe potential consequences, disciplinary board hearings might not offer the student the full range of due process rights that they would have in a court of law. An aggressive student defense lawyer in Salisbury could insist that the student have a fair hearing that provides them a reasonable opportunity to clear their name.

Criminal Charges

Students sometimes find themselves facing criminal charges that carry lifelong repercussions. They could be accused of violating controlled substances laws, committing sexual misconduct or rape, engaging in malicious destruction of property, theft, and other serious crimes.

One criminal act that applies almost exclusively to students is hazing. Maryland Statute §3-607 makes subjecting a person to the risk of serious bodily injury for the purposes of initiation into a group a misdemeanor. Conviction for this offense carries a potential six-month prison sentence and a fine of up to $500.

When a student is accused of a crime, a Salisbury student defense attorney could collect all the exculpatory evidence, including demonstrations of the student’s potential for a productive future, to avoid a conviction or reduce the harshest consequences. If the student is found criminally liable, legal counsel could help them pursue a diversionary or alternative sentencing program that might allow them to avoid being identified as a criminal for the rest of their life.

Civil Liability Also a Threat

Some criminal acts, and even infractions of institutional codes, could subject a convicted offender to civil liability. The person who accused the student of harming them could sue for damages.

Depending on the circumstances, a Salisbury lawyer could defend an institutional charge to help the student avoid acknowledging liability or responsibility. This tactic could insulate the student from future civil claims based on the actions that gave rise to the institutional action.

Enlist a Knowledgeable Salisbury Attorney to Defend Your Student

Representing students in institutional proceedings requires specialized knowledge and an ability to relate to what the student and their parents are going through. A Salisbury student defense lawyer could ensure that a student does not pay for a youthful mistake forever.

Contacting a legal professional early in the process could make it easier to limit the ramifications of the situation. Schedule a consultation as soon as you become aware that a student faces institutional, civil, or criminal charges. Call today to learn more.