Salisbury Sex Crimes Lawyer
A sex crime allegation can upend an accused person’s life. The legal penalties for a criminal offense of this nature are severe, and the social stigma of an accusation could be permanent.
Securing experienced legal counsel is the most important decision you could make in this situation. A Salisbury sex crimes lawyer could ensure that your rights are protected and make every effort help you pursue the best available outcome.
Sex Crimes Defined Under State Law
State law sets forth several categories of sex crimes, depending on the type of sexual contact, whether force or the physical threat of force was used, and the ages of the accused and the accuser. Depending on the particular circumstances, it could be possible for a skilled Salisbury attorney to negotiate a lesser charge or have a sex offense dismissed entirely.
Rape is defined as vaginal intercourse without consent. First-degree rape involves the use of force or intimidation through the display or use of a weapon, the infliction of a threatening serious injury, or committing the crime with another person or while breaking into a home.
Second-degree rape requires either a threat of force or a mentally incapacitated or physically helpless accuser. Second-degree rape is also the charge when the accused is under age 14, and the accused is at least 18.
Sexual Offenses
The commission of other non-consensual sex acts is called a sexual offense. A first-degree sexual offense is sexual contact other than vaginal intercourse without consent and with force that caused or could have caused serious bodily injury.
A second-degree sexual offense involves non-consensual sexual contact with someone using force. It is also a second-degree sexual offense to have sexual contact with someone who is unable to consent because of incapacity or disability.
Offenses Involving Children
It is a third-degree sexual offense for a person over age 18 to have sexual contact of any kind with a person under age 14, regardless of whether the child consented. Prosecutors could charge someone over age 21 with a third-degree sexual offense if they have sexual contact with someone aged 14 or 15. It is a fourth-degree sexual offense for someone between the ages of 19- 21 to have sexual contact with a 14 or 15-year-old.
Sex crimes against children are penalized more harshly if the accused is in a position of authority over the minor, such as a parent or guardian, a teacher, or a juvenile justice officer. Possessing sexual images of children or soliciting children over the internet is typically charged under federal law.
Sex Offender Registration Impacts Every Area of Life
Conviction of a sex crime requires registration as a sex offender. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, the offender may have to maintain their registration for a period that can range between 15 years and life. A knowledgeable attorney in Salisbury could ascertain the required length of offender registration in a specific sex crimes case.
The registry is available to the public, so anyone can search whether a person is a convicted sex offender. The public will have access to a registrant’s picture, address, employment, and contact information.
People who are listed on the sex offender registry may not be permitted on the premises of schools or childcare facilities. Checking the registry is part of a standard background check, and potential employers, landlords, creditors, and others will also have access to the information.
Contact an Salisbury Sex Crimes Attorney for Legal Advice
The potential impact of a sex crime conviction is significant. Most of these offenses carry jail terms, and even after incarceration, a convicted person must contend with the restrictions of the sex crimes registry. With stakes so high, it can be critical to seek help from a compassionate and seasoned advocate.
A Salisbury sex crimes lawyer could use all the tools at their disposal to craft a vigorous defense against your charges. Whether you have already been charged or are under investigation, the time to call is now. Schedule a consultation today.