Hit and Run Driver Kills UMD Student
Posted on January 27, 2014
under Crime Stories, Personal Injury
What happens when the mundane becomes the unimaginable? Tiffany Bagherian knows all too well.
A recent graduate of the University of Maryland,College Park, Bagherian described for reporters the many times she and fellow students crossed Baltimore Avenue near Knox Road in pursuit of good food and unfettered fun. Never had she pondered the possibility of her friends (nor herself) being struck down by what authorities are alleging was a careless and callous driver at that very location. But on January 17th, that’s exactly what happened to her 22-year-old friend, Cory Hubbard. Dazed and doleful, Bagherian told the Washington Post that she is struggling to reconcile Cory’s loss in such a senseless way. The unknown identity of the driver only exacerbates the pain for his family and friends, including those who accompanied Cory that fateful night.
No one is more devastated by Cory’s death than his parents, Ralph and Holly Hubbard, and his brother, Kyle. They described Cory as a loving and giving soul, as well as an avid traveler and outdoorsman. Whether studying in Australia, exploring in Alaska, or bungee jumping in New Zealand, Cory chased adventure.
His family also discussed his love of sports with the Washington Posts. Snowboarding, wrestling, surfing, and particularly lacrosse, were the adrenaline-inducing sports he enjoyed most. Cory earned accolades from coaches and teammates as an effective leader and dedicated player in his position as goalie for the university’s lacrosse team. Always on the go, Cory chose a major that reflected his athletic lifestyle. He was a senior studying kinesiology, preparing for a career that focuses on the human anatomy’s relationship to movement. A befitting tribute to Cory’s love for life and commitment to education has been established by his supporters. In his memory, a scholarship fund was created to honor his brief but powerful legacy, both on the field and off.
Though the driver involved in the accident subsequently surrendered to police, his identity has yet to be released. And while charges are likely mounting, the investigation continues. Authorities are interviewing witnesses and reviewing local surveillance footage, which is believed to have captured important evidence. Some witnesses describe a horrific impact that catapulted the victim 10 feet into the air, causing a direct collision with an over-hanging street sign.
Most of us can’t relate to the concept of a hit and run. Common decency suggests a reasonable person would stop and render assistance to anyone injured. Hit-and-run accidents are the antithesis of such decency. The idea that someone could cause serious harm or fatal injury to another without so much as stopping to offer or summon help is beyond disheartening. And though the instinct to flee triggered by extreme panic may be understandable, in most instances it’s criminal. Whether the driver involved in a collision is inattentive, inebriated, uninsured, or their action falls under some other category of questionable status, fleeing the scene of an accident is never wise. Legal consequences to the driver can be exponentially multiplied while the well being of any victims could be further jeopardized.
Anyone involved in a collision—whether with a person or property—is obligated to stop and leave a note, exchange information, contact law enforcement, provide assistance, call for emergency service, or some variation of the above. Even if you believe you are not at fault, you should stay at the scene and contact authorities.
If you have been involved in an automobile accident and have been charged with hit and run, those accusations are serious and will require the skills of a well-qualified criminal defense attorney. For more information on what a dedicated Maryland hit and run lawyer can do to help you, contact our firm here.