Columbia, Maryland Information
The following is basic information on Columbia, Maryland including where it is in relation to other areas, who lives in Columbia, and what the major industries are. To learn more about the area of Columbia or if you have been charged with a crime, call and schedule a consultation with a Columbia DUI lawyer today.
Distance Between Columbia and Other Major Cities In The Area
Columbia is almost exactly between Baltimore and D.C. You can get from Columbia to downtown Baltimore in about 25 minutes and you can get to downtown D.C. in 45 minutes and obviously, those numbers are going to change depending on time of day and traffic patterns.
How People From Columbia Travel to D.C. and Baltimore
People usually will travel to D.C. or Baltimore by bus or by car. There is no rail that I’m aware of that runs through Columbia or no passenger rail at least and I don’t believe that there is any proposed expansions that would run rail to Columbia at the moment. However, there is bus service and cars.
The Relationship Between Columbia and Other Metropolitian Areas
There are lots of people who live in Columbia and work in Columbia where there is lots of businesses in Columbia and Columbia was designed to be a community where people lived and worked in the community. However, because Columbia is so close to both Baltimore and the District of Columbia and is an extremely nice place to live so there’s lots of people who would chose to have that commute in order to leave in Columbia.
Columbia and the Sort of People
Who Live There
Well, in a 2013 census that there is a 103,683 people who live in Columbia. This actually makes Columbia the second biggest metropolitan area in Maryland after Baltimore. Columbia is consistently ranked one of the best places to live in America by CNN. Columbia has a relatively high economic status. Columbia tends to have a lot of affluent people living there. The 2010 census indicated that Columbia is 55% Caucasian, 25% African-American, 11% Asians, 7% Spanish 4% mixed race, 2% other and less than 1% three or more races and less than 1% American indeed.
In terms of economic status, Columbia has gone out of its way to make Section 8 housing available. So while the general housing in Columbia is relatively expensive, there is subsidized housing so there is a pretty broad mix of socio-economic status in Columbia.
Age of Residents in Columbia
There is both. There are lots of families who have children because the schools in Columbia are very good. There are also people who’ve been living in Columbia since Columbia was established so they’re into retirement now and there is always new people moving in.
The Major Industries in Columbia
There is not a lot of manufacturing and industrial production in Columbia. Many of the people who live in the are work for the Federal Government. Columbia is also home to numerous research institutions including the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics lab. There are also lots of service jobs in the Columbia area, from doctors, lawyers, and accountants to waiters, cashiers, and other types of service workers.
Is there a large out of town or seasonal population in Columbia?
No. There’s not a lot of out of town or seasonal population. Columbia is not a vacation town. While there are hotels and resorts in Columbia, it’s not a significant portion of the Columbia economy.